
发布时间:2019年01月02日 栏目:留学生
1.Contact with the accommodation manager (Building C room 102, Mrs. DONG Yu-Hua,work time during Monday to Friday 8:00-17:00) and get the room key in advance,check in; for each student will be arranged double room, and the graduatestudent building dormitory is forbidden to cook.


2.Goto the Fu-Guo Street Police Station for accommodation registration (withoutregistration, individual will be fined 500 yuan per day); After the residencepermit is postponed, second registration in police station should be finishwithin one week (AWARE: without second registration of residency, individualwill be fined 500-2000 yuan will be charged).


3.Mailbox application: mailbox application form, after finish the signature inapplication table, please contact the network center and submit the application(Building A room 801-1, Mr. LI Hong-Bo).


4.Goto the Exit-Entry Administration of Dalian Municipal Public Security Bureau(telephone 0411-86766108) to prolong the extension permit. X1 Visa can stay inChina within one month, detail deadline please refer to individual’s passport.To prolong the extension permit, student should take the following files: I.passport; II. The registration certificate (Green paper from police station);III.Physical examination table; IV.202 table; V.The academic certificate (fromGraduate Education Department); VI. The organization code certificate(fromGraduate Education Department); VII. One photo of recent free crown (2-inch,color). VIII. students finish the course learning proof (TWAS students returnto school after class in Beijing).


5.The research group conducts training on confidentiality and safety education,and submits the materials printed and signed in the annex to the GraduateEducation Department.


6.Entrance card.


7.I carry a passport, Dalian local mobile phone number and ICBC card (TWASstudents do not need to handle the ICBC card; when the card will ask for myphone number)


8.Theinformation of the account name of the bank card (together with passport name,must be accurate), bank card number, Dalian local mobile phone number must sendto the office of Room 103 of the building C of Mrs. DONG Yu-Hua and theGraduate Education Department of Yang Hua yanghua@dicp.ac.cn, in order to givethe students pay.


9. International students‘ assignment book (TWAS scholarship does notrequire students); grants from the UCAS are issued via the bank card from its.


10.Insuranceis purchased by UCAS, students whom beyond length of schooling must purchase bytheir own.


11.The course is organized by the National Unity Organization of the NationalUniversity of science and technology, half year courses (TWAS students and CSCmasters, National University of science and technology report class; half ayear later, the students are reported to attend classes). Students’ trainingrequirements (for example, compulsory courses and seminar examination, etc.)are the same as Chinese students.


12.Studentswhom get CSC government scholarships can voluntarily apply for accommodationsubsidies, fill in and submit the “application form for the accommodationsubsidy of the Chinese government scholarship student”, and apply to the UCAS.


Ifyou have not done anything, please contact Yang Hua (15140350253;yanghua@dicp.ac.cn) for coordination.


上一条:国家级-学校招收和培养国际学生办理办法(第42号令) 下一条:处级-大连化物所留学生奖助学金评审实施细则