
发布时间:2016年10月28日 栏目:就业信息



多年来,英特尔项目还为中国半导体高端人才本地化做出突出贡献,原先工厂高层管理由三百多名美国专家承担, 而目前大连公司重要技术及管理岗位绝大多数由本地员工承担,工厂仅有少数十多名美国专家。特别是2012年,大连工厂获得了英特尔全球质量金奖---这是英特尔公司的最高荣誉,表明大连工厂已步入全球最先进的半导体制造厂商的行列。另外,英特尔大连工厂优异的产品良率和安全生产记录也在英特尔全球工厂中名列前茅,同时结合其对产业链和基础设施的综合配套要求,还积极促进了大连进一步优化产业环境、提升城市功能、增强城市国际知名度和竞争力。

这些成绩的取得完全是英特尔与辽宁省、大连市政府共同努力合作的双赢成果,也充分验证了大连市出色、良好的投资软环境。多年来,英特尔大连厂以其卓越的生产和管理业绩, 获得了社会和业界的广泛认同和赞誉, 荣获了一系列荣誉称号: 大连市优秀外资企业、大连市安全文化示范企业、大连市十大最佳雇主、大连市十大销售额企业、纳税大户称号等。


Process Engineer


* Process Engineers design and plan the layout for such processes as hardening, washing, laminating, etching, engraving, polishing, painting, plating, and other material processing operations.

* Plans sequence of operations and specifies procedures for cutting, shaping, and otherwise preparing basic material, exercising judgment in compromising between conflicting requirements, economic evaluation of methods, and operator effectiveness and comfort.

* Conducts tests and measurements throughout stages of production to determine control over such variables as temperature, density, specific gravity, pressure, and viscosity.

* Establishes and submits processing requirements to be met in designing and acquiring processing equipment.

* Responds to customer/client requests or events as they occur.

* Develops solutions to problems utilizing formal education and judgement.


Must possess a Bachelor/Master/PhD degree of Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, Microelectronics, Physics, Chemistry or equivalent majors.  Additional qualifications include:

* Strong verbal and written communication skills in English. 
* Effective learners, hands-on skill in the areas of interest and the ability to function effectively as an individual contributor.

* The ability to be successful in a fast-paced environment with an appropriate amount of direct supervision.

* Initiative, creativity and openness to do things differently than the norm.
Yield Engineer


* Yield Engineers are responsible for controlling technology changes introduction, monitoring in line defect performance and end of line die yields, finding root cause for in line defect excursion and navigating fix.


 Must possess a Master/PhD degree of Microelectronics, Semiconductor/Device Physics, Material Science or General Physics, Chemistry or equivalent majors.  Additional qualifications include:

* Strong verbal and written communication skills in English. 
* Effective learners, hands-on skill in the areas of interest and the ability to function effectively as an individual contributor.

* The ability to be successful in a fast-paced environment with an appropriate amount of direct supervision.

* Initiative, creativity and openness to do things differently than the norm.

联系人:Cece Wang

联系电话: 3923 3601



上一条:关于举办克拉玛依市高新技术企业专场招聘会的通知 下一条:新奥能源研究院2017年招聘计划